Friday, June 10, 2011

Friend Starting Whole30

I am happy to annouce that one of my best friends is starting Whole30 and I am so excited I wrote her an email to share my experience so far.

This is that letter:
Dear Jen,

I am so excited you are starting the Whole30. It has really changed my outlook on food and its truly been easy for me. I am on day 20 and plan to continue after the 30 days.

I hope you have been checking out our blog, as it has tons of recipes and food ideas – in addition to all the fun things we are learning.

One thing that is a challenge is all the cooking you have to do. There is no winging it with this food plan. We can’t just go out and eat fast food or even at restaurants unless we don’t mind being picky. I also feel concerned that even though restaurants won’t stay true to what I really want and need. So, for me its safer to just stay away and cook at home. It’s also really amazing how much money we are saving from not eating out.

Its hard to keep enough veggies in the house and its hard to get through them before they go bad. It’s a fine line. Learning new ways of cooking without soy sauce and sugars is also something that I saw as a challenge and now, its not a big deal.

No dairy - I thought that dairy would be the hard one but its relatively easy. Coffee is now black and I actually don’t mind. No cheese and haven’t really missed it - I do think about it but only a thought not a craving, in fact, I don’t even get cravings.

No beans, yeah whatever no big deal and wow… we fart way less. Its amazing how smelly we were before. 

No sugar (of any kind - even substitutes)– this has been frustrating only because in America they put it in everything (even meat), reading labels is now an art form and enjoyable.

No processed food - is easy to avoid when you try to just eat whole, real, healthy, and good for you things.

No alcohol – easy peasy. A good reason to give it up.

No grains or white potatoes – we really didn’t eat many grains or potatoes before no thing to fret about.

I’ve limited my fruit intake only because I want to lose weight but its totally allowed.

Not having sugars in my diet has really opened my eyes to how sweet things are NATURALLY. It’s amazing. I had an orange about a week ago and it was so sweet I didn’t finished it. ME, not finish food. I must be a changed woman.

I have not been able to weight myself but at this point it doesn’t even matter. I feel great. My whole outlook on life has changed. I’m so happy – truly. I am not making it up. I am sure CrossFit can take some of that credit too but all together I really feel like a new person. My brain works better and I don’t spend hours of my day thinking about food. The old tempting things at work are no longer an issue for me and I’m even excited when I get to say no to thing I know aren’t good for me.

I am trying veggies I would have never tried before and it’s cool because they actually taste food.

All that to say, WELCOME to the Whole30 way of life. It’s a trip worth taking! I can’t wait to share it with you.


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